To effectively learn vocabulary for Primary 2 students, it is important to recognise their learning characteristics. There are ways of learning that makes the process more effective for younger learners. Today, we will talk about 4 ways to learn vocabulary for Primary 2 students. With younger children, it is important to select words suitable for …
Today, we are going to learn how to write a Primary 2 composition, specifically the middle paragraph which is also known as the body paragraph. Young writers typically have some issues with going beyond the pictures to write a complete story. To better understand how to write the body paragraph, we are going to use …
For the P5 English Paper 2 examination, it is common to find question tags in the Grammar MCQ section. Today, we will be looking at 3 common types of question tags for the P5 English Paper 2 examination, highlighting the common mistakes and how to avoid them. Question Tags – Question Type 1 At the …
What to expect for Primary 5 composition Moving up from Primary 4, the Primary 5 English composition format is relatively similar with with one title and three pictures. However, the total marks will be 40 marks. Despite the similar format, there are new rules to learn for Primary 5 English composition. These rules will apply …
Writing a 4 picture composition topic can be rather daunting for Primary 2 pupils. Many pupils either do not know how to write a story sequentially or they are unable to properly express their ideas. By taking note of the important areas of concern, composition writing can be made easier. 1) DO plan the story …
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